Team Illinois Alumnus JT Compher wins the 2022 Stanley Cup with the Colorado Avalanche!

JT Compher, played a significant role in the Avalanche’s 2022 Stanley Cup Championship.  Chipping in with 5 goals and 3 assists in this year’s playoffs, Compher was a steady and consistent performer for the Avalanche in their Cup run.

JT played 3 years with Team Illinois from 2008 to 2011, playing both bantam years and one midget year at TI.  After playing with Team Illinois, JT moved on to the National Team Development Program in Ann Arbor for 2 years, then played 3 years of college hockey at the University of Michigan, where he served as team captain his junior year.  After his junior year at Michigan JT signed with the Avalanche and has been a key member of their team since 2016.

JT was an outstanding player for Team Illinois, growing each season as a player and leader, proudly wearing the TI jersey, the only AAA jersey Compher ever wore.

Congratulations JT, we are proud of you!

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